Tuesday, March 11, 2008

St Patrick of Ireland, run up to Holy Week

I recently came across this 'Confession' of St Patrick, which was written by the Irish Bishop in Latin and is very moving.

I Patrick, a Sinner, the most unsophisticated of men, the least among all Christians, and to many, the most contemptible of men. I am the son of the Deacon Calpornius, and he was the son of the Priest Potit, who belonged to the village on Babbavenn Taburniae (in the Ancient Kingdom of Gwent boundaries)Indeed, near it he had a small estate, from where, at sixteen years of age I was captured. I was ignorant of the true God then,along with thousands upon thousands of others ,I was taken as a captive to Ireland. We deserved it, or we had turned our backs on God , and did not keep his commandments, and we did not listen to our priests, who kept on warning us regarding our Salvation. And so the Lord God poured down on us the heat of his anger and dispersed among us many peoplesright 'out to the very ends o the earth'where now my smallness is seen among the men of a foreign land.

And there the Lord God opened his understanding to my unbelief, so that, however late, I would become conscious of my failings. Then, remembering my need,I could turn my heart ot gOD. For it was He who looked on my lowliness and had mercy on the blindness of my young years, who looked after me before I knew him, or before I gained wisdom of could distinguish between good and evil:indeed as a father consoles his son, so he protected me.

So it would be neither right nor proper for me to do anything but to tell you all of the many blessings and great grace which the Lord saw fit to give me in the Land of my Captivity. Itell you these things because that is hwo we give thanks to God, that after having been corrected and come to an awareness of God, that we glorify and bear witness to his wonderful works in the presence of every nation under heaven.

Truly lovely Confessions-more tomorrow.

Today is another trip to London. It feels cold outside because of windchill, but we escaped the hurricand and the golden daffodils are stilling breathing out their scent. Yesterday I caught a really stong smell of them after the rain and it was so wonderful-I nearly stopped breathing! How wonderful. Makes you stop and think how such a scent is a completely free gift, like Faith-a supernatural gift rom God-and what a privilege to be chosen to have faith.It means we have the grace of God to move us and help us, we have the Holy Spirit to help us in our actions and conscience 'which moves the heart and turns it to God-and away from harness of heart,and the Spirit also makes it easy to discern the true and brave and right way to go, when we are swayed in spiritual combat.In the boxing match that goes on every day in your soul=right actions against wrong ones of course we all fail from time to time, but suddenly as in that sudden scent of daffodils and narcissi, that ecstatic moment of beauty we are retrieved by Him who made us and by Him who loves us, and has known us from our conception and knew us in our mother's womb. Some heady security that! Driving into Monmouthshire along the M4, daffodils are everywhere, the pride of Wales, the brightness of Christ, thousands of little lights and suns to remind us of heaven.

Prayer for a Journey-Old CAtholic Prayerfrom Ireland in Patrick's times

The Path I walk, Christ walks it. Let the Land in which I am be without sorrow.

May the Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost protect me wherever I stay, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Bright Angels-Walk with me-dear presence-in every dealing.

In every dealing I pray them that no man's poison may reach me.

The ninefold people of Heaven of holy cloud, the tenth force of the stout earth.

Favourable company, they come with me, so that the Lord may not be angry with me.

May I arrive safe at every place, may I return homem May the way in which I deal be a way without loss.

May every path before me be smooth, man woman and child welcome me.

A truly good journey! Well does the fair Lord show me a course, a path',

In the Name of the Holy Three


(From Celtic Christianity (Classics of Western Spirituality. Oliver Davies published by Paulist Press. Available from Amazon.

Haut de la Garenne Latest: police have broken through to the second room and found more evidence of evil. Words fil me today.Important to distribute and pray the prayer of st Michael to war off depression over such evil and protect little ones. Today there was a report on TV about young teenage girls forcible married to men in foreign lands. How can parents do this, any more than leaving a young girl to take drugs and be alone to be a victim of a terrible attack and murder? Cruelty has many forms, all of it aligned to hard hearts.In the case of the Jersey Children's Home, the Chief police officer has complained about corrupt ex officers who turned away children trying to complain. Disgusting.Poor poor babies!

Madeleine McCann-more weird press stories to chill the soul. I wish they would end this now and simply present her back. People just don't believe it any more and just want her returned to her family.

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