Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Lost Templars of Monmouthshire and the Marches - Ancient Traces II Stephen de Hastings and the Hastings Family

 The Hastings Family had many connections with the Templar Order, Stephen de Hastings of Abergavenny being one of them. this is a monument of William de Hastings here, which is in the Mediaeval monuments Chapel, formerly the Ladye Chapel of Abergavenny Priory, a Benedictine Priory (now St Mary's Parish church in Abergavenny).Stephen had been reputedly been a Grand Master, but this has been refuted by Evelyn Lord, the authority of the Templars in England. The date given is 1348, and so by this time the Templar Order
had already been suppressed, and the Hospitallers given their land.

Abergavenny Benedictine Priory,
now St Mary's Church and right next to the town's car park!

 Another member of the dynasty of the de Hastings. The beautiful alabaster work has been attacked with hammers during the time of Cromwell whose soldiers knocked out all the stained glass in the church, stabled horses in there and used it as a latrine.

It was spared earlier attacks as the local nobility of Abergavnny was closely connected with the House of Tudor and these were their tombs.

Here are all the members of William's family. All the Knights have their shields beneath them and arre praying for the soul of William de Hastings. In the middle is the blessed Mary and angels.

Temple Grafton. Further afield is Temple Grafton near Stratford upon Afon.Not only was this another templar preceptory, but is reputedly the place where Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway.

The priest at Temple Grafton was a priest who was unsympathetic to the new church of Henry VIII, still secretly said Mass and married and gave the sacraments at the churrch, while conforming outwardly. He was eventually found out and relieved of his post. Joseph Pierce charts Shakespeare's life and career through this turbulent time, and his secret
 Catholicism. Certainly this was the reason for marrying so far from Stratford, and the actual reason for his friendship with other former clergy and recusants, such as the Earl of Southampton.Secrrecy was of the essence.Many people had to outwardly conform at this time.
 This is a plan of the Victorian restoration of the Church

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