22nd December,is the feast day of
several early Roman Martyrs and some very holy saints. St Zeno who died in the same year as St Julius and
Aaron,who was a martyred soldier at Nicomedia(Turkey) After watching Diocletian
(284-405) offering a sacrifice to the Roman deity Ceres, he burst out laughing,
but was seized tortured and condemned to death. St Amaswinthus, Abbot of
the Andalusian
monastery of Silva de Malaga for forty four years, was a good and holy man who died
much later in 982AD.St Chaeromon was Bishop of Nilopolis in Egypt during
Trajanus Decius’ persecution, and was quite elderly when he and his friends
fled into the desert and vanished. He is listed as a martyr and died in 250AD.St
Flavian was another early saint who died in December 262. He was branded on the
forehead and exiled to Tuscany, where he died in prayer. St Demetrius was a Martyr with Honoratus and Flaviun. They died at
Italy. Possibly the same as Sts. Demetrius and
Honorius on November 21. St
Hunger was Bishop of Utrecht in the Netherlans=ds and fled the diocese during
th invasion of the Nortmans who died in Prum Germnanyi. All these men,
whichever theoir epocht, their period lived out good and holy lives. However gruesome some of the stories, a young man giving his life to the service of

God is heartwarming, especially in the beautiful setting of the Abbey Church of St Michael and All Angels Belmont, where Dom Edwin Echeander Loro was made a Deacon by the Most Reverend Kevin Macdonald, Archbishop Emeritus of Southwark. The Mass, which had a beautiful liturgy began with Venantius Fortunatus (530-609AD) beautiful hymn
Quem Terra pontus aethera \\(The Lord, whom earth and sea and sky adore and praise and magnify) followed by the Advent prose-the
Rorate Caeli desuper sung in plainchant, led by their cantor, Abbot Paul Stoneham..
The Scriptures were from Samuel, when Hannah takes Samuel to Eli to give him to the Lord (I:24-25) The Psalm was
'My heart exults in God my Saviour' and was the canticle Mary's

The second reading from the Act of the Apostles explains how the seven disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit (6:1-7)St Stephen was one of these disciples and he and the other disciples Philip, Prochurus,Nicanor, Timon Parmenas and Nicklaus of Antioch all had hands laid on them and they became deacons and the Apostles prayed for them. Stephen, as we know was one
of the first deacons to be martyred and is commemorated on 26th December.
Following the
Alleluia and the 'O Antiphon'
O rex Gentium was sung before the reading of Lukes gospel from the
Magnificat. (1:46-56)Brother Edwin was then called forward and presented for ordination by Father Abbot,He was accepted, called to celibacy, obedience and prayer and there followed the Litany of the Saints.during which Brother Edwin prostrated himself before the altar., Then, as in the Acts of the Aspotles, Archbishop Kevin laid hands on Edwin and made him a deacon and then prayed the prayer or consecration and invested him the the stole and dalmatic. There followed the presentation of the Books of the Gospel, the Kiss of Peace, and the Ave Maria.
After that we went into the Sanctus and the Mass followed as usual. The Communion hymn was the Liturgy of St James translated by Gerard Moultrie.
Let all mortal flesh keep silence.,There followed
Ecce Virgo Concipiet and Alma redemptoris Mater.. This was a very beautiful singing and Deacon Edwin looked as if he had been assisting at Mass for ever.The guests were invited to Hedley Lodge for teas and refreshments, which were delicious and I met some very interesting people.
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